Addison, Rosemary, “Women Artists and Book Illustration in Edinburgh, 1886-1945.” PhD diss., Heriot-Watt University, 2004.
Arthur, Liz. The Unbroken Thread: A Century of Embroidery and Weaving at Glasgow School of Art. Renfrew: Gardner Gibson, 1994.
Burkhauser, Jude et al. Glasgow Girls: Women in Art & Design, 1880-1920. Edinburgh: Cannongate, 1990
Dewar, DeCourcy Lewthwaite, History of the Glasgow Society of Lady Artists’ Club. Glasgow: Robert Maclehouse & Company Limited, 1950.
Helland, Janice. Professional Women Painters in Nineteenth Century Scotland: Commitment, Friendship, Pleasure. Hants: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2000.
Macfarlane, Fiona C. and Elizabeth F. Arthur. Glasgow School of Art Embroidery, 1894-1920. Glasgow: Glasgow Museums and Art Galleries, 1980.
Maily-Watt, Karen. “Women’s Work Praised: The Glasgow Society of Lady Artists.” Journal of the Scottish Society for Art History vol. 23 (2018-2019): 15-21
Reynolds, Siân. “Women Artists’ Training: The Paris Connection.” Journal of the Scottish Society for Art History vol. 21 (2016-2017): 39-45
Soden, Joanna. “The Scottish Atelier Society 1882-1889: An Opportunity for Women Artists in Edinburgh?” Journal of the Scottish Society for Art History vol 21 (2016-2017): 33-38
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