We've just had word of an exciting online event happening this Friday which promises to shed light on the life and work of another Scottish woman artist.
SWARN members Susannah Waters (Glasgow School of Art Archives and Collections Manager), and Karen Mailey-Watt (AHRC PhD Researcher and Gallery Coordinator at Royal Glasgow Institute for the Fine Arts) will be discussing their research on artist, designer and teacher Dorothy Carleton Smyth (1880-1933). There's also the chance to hear more about artist and GSA lecturer Hanneline Visnes' response to Smyth's work through her commission for the exhibition 'ambi' currently running at the CCA Glasgow.
Tickets are free and can be booked on Eventbrite through this link. The event begins at 1pm and is expected to run for 40 minutes.
We can't wait to hear more about our members' research into Smyth who was one of the most highly respected artists and designers at the GSA.